MINUTES OF MEETING STOREY DRIVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Storey Drive Community Development District was held Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the Offices of GMSCF, 219 East Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Adam Morgan Chairman Brent Kewley Assistant Secretary Teresa Diaz Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager Kristen Trucco District Counsel Stephen Saha District Engineer Alan Scheerer Field Manager FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order and called the roll. Three Board members were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSNESS Public Comment Period Mr. Flint: There is no members of the public other than staff and Board members. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the May 4, 2023 Meeting Mr. Flint: Item three is approval of your May 4, 2023 minutes. Were there any changes to those? Mr. Morgan: They all look good. I will make a motion to accept. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, the Minutes of the May 4, 2023 Meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Review and Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2022 Audit Report DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 2 Mr. Flint: Next is the review and acceptance of the audit report. The CDD is required to have an annual independent audit. You have a copy of that report. You selected DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes as your auditor. That report is in your agenda. It is a clean audit. There are no findings or recommendations. Is there a motion to accept the audit? Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, Accepting the Fiscal Year 2022 Audit Report, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2023-05 Re- Setting the Date of the Public Hearing to Adopt the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Mr. Flint: Next is Resolution 2023-05. Originally, you had set the budget hearing for last month and I think we had an issue with quorum, so we ended up having to reschedule the budget hearing for this month. We did readvertise and meet all the notice requirements for holding the meeting today, but this resolution basically admins the prior resolution, which set the hearing date and it just changes the hearing date and time to today. Mr. Morgan: Okay. Mr. Flint: Any questions on the resolution? Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Diaz, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-05 Re-Setting the Date of the Public Hearing to Adopt the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing Mr. Flint: Item six is the public hearing to consider adoption of the 2024 budget and also the public hearing for imposing the assessments related to that budget. Is there a motion to open the public hearings? Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, the Public Hearing was opened. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 3 Mr. Flint: The public hearings are open for the record. There are no members of the public to provide comment or testimony, so we will close the public input section and bring it back to the Board. A. Consideration of Resolution 2023-06 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Relating to the Annual Appropriations Mr. Flint: You’ve got Resolution 2023-06. You previously approved a proposed budget and as we discussed, you had set the hearing for last month. We rescheduled it for this month, readvertised it, we redid the notice, the mailed notice as well. Exhibit A attached to the resolution is the proposed budget. All the lots have been platted in Storey Drive, so they would all be on roll assessments. On the expense side, you can see the operations and maintenance and the administrative costs. No significant changes to these numbers. We’ve updated the actuals for the current year through the end of June. The per unit assessment amounts are on page 3 that result from these costs. Any questions on the resolution or the proposed budget? Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Diaz, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-06 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Relating to the Annual Appropriations, was approved. B. Consideration of Resolution 2023-07 Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll Mr. Flint: We have the second public hearing, which is for Resolution 2023-07, which imposes the assessments. Attached to that resolution would be the budget you just approved as well as the assessment roll. It was all the platted lots and the per unit amounts for each of those. Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion to approve. Mr. Flint: For the record, there is no public to provide comment or testimony. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Diaz, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-07 Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll, was approved. Mr. Flint: Is there a motion to close the public hearing? Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 4 On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Diaz, with all in favor, the Public Hearing was closed. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Series 2022 Requisition #7 Mr. Flint: Item seven is requisition for the Series 2022 bonds, Requisition #7. This has been transmitted to the Trustee and we are just asking the Board to ratify it. It is for $165 for your District Engineer. Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Diaz, with all in favor, the Series 2022 Requisition #7, was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2023-08 Designating Assistant Treasurer of the District Mr. Flint: Item eight is Resolution 2023-08 designating an Assistant Treasurer. This names Darrin Mossing as an Assistant Treasurer for the District. We are asking all the Districts we manage to add him as an Assistant Treasurer just for administrative purposes. Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Diaz, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-08 Designating Darrin Mossing as an Assistant Treasurer of the District, was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney i. Memorandum Regarding Required Ethics Training and Other Legislative Updates Mr. Flint: Staff reports, Kristen. Ms. Trucco: My only update for the Board today is this memorandum that is included in your agenda packet. I will go through it. It’s regarding new legislative updates. The most important of those is an amendment to Section 112. It’s going to require each Board of Supervisor to complete four hours of ethics training each calendar year. This is a self-certification requirement, so on the Form 1 we’re anticipating there is going to be a little box. You’re going to check it off certifying that you have completed the four hours of ethics training. The topic for the ethics training is specific to public records, ethics laws, sunshine law, points of Florida constitution regarding DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 5 government officials. The Florida Commission on Ethics website, they already put-up videos that are sufficient to satisfy the requirement. Right now, you can watch four of those videos to satisfy the requirement. They are 50-minute increments. The Commission has stated that you can watch four of those 50-minute videos to satisfy, even though that’s like three hours and twenty minutes. Again, you’re going to be self-certifying on your Form 1, the statement of financial interests, that’s due annually July 1st. We are recommending that you complete this requirement by July 1st. We are going to remind you closer to January 1st. There is probably going to be more videos as of January of 2024 up on the Commission of Ethics website, but just making you aware that this did pass. It’s effective as of July 1st of 2023, so I just wanted to make you aware of an upcoming requirement that you’ll need to satisfy. On the second page, there is a list of other legislative updates that apply to CDDs. The first one, there was a change in the law regarding concealed carry of firearms in Florida, so my understanding is you no longer need a permit or need to take an instructional course. However, we want to just remind our Boards that firearms are still prohibited during CDD meetings under a different statute section, so just to make you aware of that. There has also been an amendment to a separate section of Chapter 112 regarding technology transparency. CDD Board members are prohibited from contacting a social media platform such as Facebook, initiating any kind of conversation with them or entering into an agreement with them for content moderation. An example would be your prohibited from contacting Facebook and saying, “I will pay you $500 if you agree to take down these negative comments about me on Facebook prior to the CDD Board Election.” Also, CDD Boards are now prohibited from requesting documentation or considering a potential vendor social, political or ideological interest and giving preference to a vendor based on those things. I just wanted to make you aware of those updates to the Florida Statutes that relate to the CDD as a governmental entity in Florida. Otherwise, I don’t have any other updates for you. Mr. Kewley: Just a clarification, even though it’s available now, we don’t do it until 2024. Ms. Trucco: That’s right. It will start January 1st, 2024. That is when your duty really starts. You have an entire year. Mr. Morgan: You need to be able to check off the box on your Form 1 in July. Ms. Trucco: Exactly. We’re recommending you complete it before July 1, but we will remind you next year when we get closer to that date. Mr. Flint: You could do it now. It’s pretty interesting stuff. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 6 Mr. Kewley: Like you said, you just watch a video and then you just self-verify. You don’t type in your first and last name. Mr. Flint: It just asks you, “Have you done it?” on the form and you have to say, “yes” and check the box. Mr. Kewley: I was going to say that there is no way they can figure out who done it. Ms. Trucco: Not right now. Yes, right now we just have self-certification. Other, like lawyers, have a CLE and then they monitor it and make sure you’ve done it and ask you questions and stuff, but right now, that’s not required. Mr. Kewley: We did it all the time for Lennar. Ms. Trucco: Oh yes, those modules. HR modules and stuff. Yes, I’ve heard about those. Mr. Kewley: Thank you. Ms. Trucco: If you have any questions about it, if you think about it later, then reach out. I am happy to help. B. Engineer i. Presentation of Annual Report Mr. Flint: Stephen, I know you’ve got your indenture letter. Mr. Saha: Yes. I can present it. Phase 2 has not yet been accepted. It has not been closed out. It’s still under the ownership of the developer. For Phase 1, since that was just recently closed out, it’s still within the maintenance period for that bond. But, with everything having just been closed out, everything did appear to be in good working order. Mr. Flint: Okay. That sounds good. Mr. Morgan: Thank you. C. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register Mr. Flint: You have the check register from April 28, 2023 through July 27, 2023. It’s included in your agenda. If there are any questions, we can discuss those. Otherwise, I’d ask for a motion to approve it. Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Diaz, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 7 ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint: You have the unaudited financial statements through the end of June. There is no action required on those. If the Board has any questions, we can discuss those. Mr. Morgan: Is there $20,284 left in the construction fund? Mr. Flint: Yes. There is price and interest earnings. A timing issue from when we processed the requisition. That does remind me that we do need to go back and review the prior requisition that was approved and make sure we verify that those are all good costs. Any questions on the financials? Mr. Morgan: No. iii. Approval of Fiscal Year 2024 Meeting Schedule Mr. Flint: Each year you are required to approve an annual meeting notice, so we’ve prepared a notice indicating you would meet on the first Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in this location with the exception of the Fourth of July, so there would be no meeting in July. You can keep the same schedule or if you want to change the date, you can do that as well. Mr. Morgan: I am good with the way that it is. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Ms. Diaz, with all in favor, the Fiscal Year 2024 Meeting Schedule, was approved. Mr. Flint: Field report? Mr. Scheerer: No. I just met with Cherrylake last week. We drove the project. They are keeping up with what we have. We are going to look to clean up the corner of International Drive and the main entrance there by the canal. The pond vendors should have started recently. I know you had your VIP visits, so we didn’t spray anything. We didn’t want a bunch of dead plants laying around. You’ll start to see some cattails starting to decline and brown. We are not contracted to remove that from the waters. If anybody has any questions, we can try to address that with the HOA or the residents in the community, but you should start seeing that. Mr. Morgan: I don’t think there is any full-time residents in Storey Drive. Mr. Scheerer: I have no idea. I just assume we’re going to hear from somebody whether it’s Icon or whoever. If you’re out there, you’re going to start seeing some of the aquatic vegetation start to decline and we do have a handful of palm trees at Cherrylake around that first pond. They will be taking care of those as soon as possible. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 8 TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business A. Discussion of Pending Plat Conveyances B. Status of Permit Transfers Mr. Flint: Other business? I think the plats are all recorded. Any permit transfers? Anything that needs to be discussed? Mr. Morgan: Not that I am aware of. Everything has already been turned over that needs to be turned over to the CDD. I don’t think anything goes to the HOA. I think we are good. Mr. Flint: Okay. Mr. Scheerer: Just the guard house, right? Mr. Morgan: Guard house. Mr. Scheerer: Yes. Mr. Morgan: That hasn’t been turned over to anybody yet, has it? Mr. Scheerer: I think it’s still under construction. Ms. Diaz: Yes. Mr. Morgan: Really? We’re going to let it take forever. Mr. Scheerer: Yes. We are kind of holding up on the rest of the landscape package in those areas as well. Mr. Morgan: Yes. That was what I was talking about the ERPs and everything. They’ve all been turned over to the CDD, right? Mr. Flint: I don’t know. Mr. Saha: Yes. They’ve been certified. The plans had changed a little bit. That’s the way they were being built. We just have to submit a revision to them to have them close it out. Mr. Morgan: Okay. Mr. Saha: It’s been certified. They just had some questions and then we just have to do a little bit more to close it out. Mr. Morgan: As soon as it’s closed out, then the permit will transfer to the District? Mr. Flint: There is a separate form that has to be done. Mr. Scheerer: Yes. Mr. Saha: Or it should be going to the CDD. Ms. Diaz: Is that the ERP? Mr. Morgan: Yes. Ms. Diaz: Oh okay. Yes, because I send it. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 9 Mr. Flint: To the operating entity. It’s hard to keep track of what District’s what. Ms. Diaz: Yes. Mr. Flint: I think you sent it to me, and it had it in GMS’s name. No, that was Stoneybrook South. We will look at that. Mr. Morgan: Copy me on that. Mr. Saha: That can be done. That can be transferred at this point because usually they want it within 30 days of doing the as-built certification and everything is operating. Usually, they ask, and it doesn’t always get done. Mr. Morgan: The reason we’re bring it up is because we run into, lately, the last three months or so, where water management ERPs weren’t turned over to either the HOA or the CDD and there was maintenance warranty that needed to be done in some areas on the conservation easement and it wasn’t being done. Now that the Water Management District is driving us back, making us spend this money to bring it up to par before it can be transferred to the HOA, so it’s causing a headache. That’s why we want to make sure we’re transferring these things as soon as we can. Mr. Saha: A lot of the previous phases, they were never. We took over Phase 6 and then almost all the previous phases were not transferred. Mr. Flint: We’ve had ones that are 15 years later. Water management didn’t really used to look at it very closely and they’re paying a lot of attention to that now. Mr. Scheerer: Adam, Marvin said that he got with you about that washout on the C2 Canal on the backside of the wall. Did you all take care of that? Mr. Morgan: Marvin? Mr. Scheerer: Marvin with Cherrylake. He said he spoke to you. Are you aware of any of that? Mr. Morgan: No. What’s going on? Mr. Scheerer: I guess there is another washout on the backside of the wall at that C2 Canal. Mr. Morgan: Oh, on the east canal? Mr. Scheerer: Yes. Mr. Morgan: There was a big washout and Briar was supposed to fix it and resod it. At least I thought they did. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 10 Mr. Scheerer: Yes. I will double check with Marvin. When we talked, I thought he said he reached out to you because he asked me. Mr. Morgan: I was out of town last week, so I might have missed him. Mr. Scheerer: Okay. I will follow up and let you know. Mr. Morgan: Is Briar still active out there? Ms. Diaz: Not really. Mr. Scheerer: They are probably pretty close to being done. Mr. Morgan: I thought that they had already signed off on everything. Ms. Diaz: No. Mr. Morgan: They haven’t? So, we can bring them back in to repair a washout or something if we need to? Ms. Diaz: Yes. Mr. Morgan: Because it’s a pain in the butt to repair that back there. Mr. Scheerer: Yes. There is no access back there. We can barely get a mower back on that canal side. Mr. Morgan: I know. Mr. Scheerer: Okay. I will double check with Cherrylake. Mr. Morgan: I can probably swing by tomorrow and take a look at it. Mr. Scheerer: Alright. I will reach out to Marvin when I leave here. Mr. Flint: I will make a note that we need to follow up on the status of the transfer of ERP to operating entity. That usually, Stephen, you guys usually fill that form out and sign it and send it to us. Mr. Saha: Usually we don’t. Usually that’s done by developer. We do it if they ask us. Mr. Flint: In my experience with CDDs, the District Engineer does it. Mr. Saha: Oh okay. Mr. Flint: And you’re the District Engineer. I am not talking about your role as the Design Engineer. Mr. Saha: It’s a District Engineer function. Mr. Flint: Typically. The District Manager typically wouldn’t fill that form out. It would be something that you guys would do for the District. Mr. Saha: It’s not a different form aside from Water Management District. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 11 Mr. Flint: It’s the same form. Mr. Saha: There is one, I think it’s a one-page form for this. Mr. Flint: Right. Mr. Saha: It’s not anything different. Mr. Flint: No. It’s the same form and at the bottom it talks about if it’s an HOA attaching CC & Rs and all that stuff. That doesn’t apply to CDDs, so there is really no additional information that has to be attached to it. Mr. Saha: Okay. Mr. Flint: Typically, it’s either signed by me or the Chair. Mr. Saha: Okay. Mr. Flint: And then developer or whoever is holding the permit. Mr. Saha: Okay. Ms. Diaz: We can actually do it ourselves, right? Mr. Flint: Yes. Ms. Diaz: With Adam’s signature. Mr. Flint: And then send it to me. Ms. Diaz: Okay. Mr. Flint: I mean I would send it to me and then I will send it to Adam. That way I am just tracking from the CDD side. Ms. Diaz: Okay. Mr. Flint: Because we try to avoid the developer signing for the developer and then walking across the hall and signing for the CDD and then we never get a copy of it. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Flint asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 3, 2023 Storey Drive CDD 12 On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1