International Drive Resort Community Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Protocol City of Orlando, Florida Prepared For: Lennar Homes, LLC 6750 Forum Dr, Suite 100 Orlando, FL Date: October 26, 2023 Revised April 11, 2024 2602 E. Livingston Street | Orlando, Florida 32803 | Tel: 407.487.2594 | FBPE Certificate of Authorization No. 28567 International Drive Resort Community Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Protocol City of Orlando, Florida Prepared For: Lennar Homes, LLC 6750 Forum Dr, Suite 100 Orlando, FL Date: October 26, 2023 Revised April 11, 2024 2602 E. Livingston Street | Orlando, Florida 32803 | Tel: 407.487.2594 | Fax: 407.487.2594 | FBPE Certificate of Authorization No. 28567 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 GENERAL SITE INFORMATION Post 1 – Post Development Basin Map C5.00 – Phase 1 Master Utility Plan C5.01 – Phase 1 Control Structure Details C5.02 – Phase 1 Control Structure Details SECTION 2 MAINTENANCE PROTOCOL SECTION 1 GENERAL SITE INFORMATION GENERAL SITE INFORMATION N 1.1 PROJECT LOCATION The International Drive Resort Community project is a mixed-use development consisting of a commercial outparcel, single and multifamily residential development and associated infrastructure. The I-Drive property is located in the City of Orlando. More specifically, the project is located east of the intersection of International Drive and Del Verde Way, south of the Festival Bay Shopping Complex and North of Vanguard Street in Orlando, Orange County, Florida within Section 30, Township 23 South and Range 29 East -use development consisting of a commercial outparcel, single and multifamily residential development and associated infrastructure. The I-Drive property is located in the City of Orlando. More specifically, the project is located east of the intersection of International Drive and Del Verde Way, south of the Festival Bay Shopping Complex and North of Vanguard Street in Orlando, Orange County, Florida within Section 30, Township 23 South and Range 29 East (SFWMD). The proposed storm water management facilities will consist of four (4) wet detention ponds meeting the design criteria of City of Orlando and the South Florida Water Management District. The site is under the jurisdiction of the City of Orlando and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The proposed storm water management facilities will consist of four (4) wet detention ponds meeting the design criteria of City of Orlando and the South Florida Water Management District. water management system while the remaining 4.54 acres consists of undisturbed lands and water surface associated with the existing canal around the perimeter of the property. The total property area is approximately 77.37 acres. Of this, 72.83 acres contributes to the master storm water management system while the remaining 4.54 acres consists of undisturbed lands and water surface associated with the existing canal around the perimeter of the property. -DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE to the onsite storm water management system and is consistent with the pre-development areas. The project area will continue to discharge to the existing perimeter canal system. Proposed Basin Post-1 through Post-4 will drain into the wet detention Ponds SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, and SW-4 respectively and then allow to discharge to the existing perimeter canal system via outfall pipes and control structures. -development rate of discharge to meet the requirements for the Shingle Creek Basin Study as denoted in SFWMD Appendix 2. The post development will provide water quality treatment and runoff in accordance with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the City of Orlando criteria. 1.2 POST-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE 3 The post development drainage basin areas are defined by the limits of the developed site which contributes to the onsite storm water management system and is consistent with the pre-development areas. The project area will continue to discharge to the existing perimeter canal system. Proposed Basin Post-1 through Post-4 will drain into the wet detention Ponds SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, and SW-4 respectively and then allow to discharge to the existing perimeter canal system via outfall pipes and control structures. is under the responsibility of the CDD. The metal pipe culverts that are part of the perimeter canal system and offer access points to the community are under the responsibility of the CDD. -DRIVE RESORT COMMUNITY The stormwater management system was designed to limit the post-development rate of discharge to meet the requirements for the Shingle Creek Basin Study as denoted in SFWMD Appendix 2. The post development will provide water quality treatment and runoff in accordance with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the City of Orlando criteria. VISED: 4/11/24 : 19-060 SECTION 2 2 Maintenance Protocol MAINTENANCE PROTOCOL ENANCE PROTOCOL 2.1 MAINTENANCE SUMMARY The master stormwater management system requires periodic maintenance to ensure that it functions properly. If the system does not function properly there may be flooding, erosion and potentially un- permitted discharges. The SFWMD and City of Orlando permits require that the system be maintained and they can initiate enforcement actions for violations. properly. If the system does not function properly there may be flooding, erosion and potentially unCity of Orlando permits require that the system be maintained and they can initiate enforcement actions for violations. The entities responsible for the systems should also inspect the systems after major storm events to check that they are functioning properly and make any necessary corrections or repairs. within 18 months after the completion of construction and at least quarterly thereafter to determine if the system is functioning as designed and permitted. The operation and maintenance entity must maintain a record of each required inspection, including the date of the inspection, the name, address, and telephone number of the inspector, and whether the system was functioning as designed and permitted, and make such record available for inspection upon request during normal business hours. that they are functioning properly and make any necessary corrections or repairs. -DRIVE RESORT COMMUNITY REVISED: 4/11/24 P&B No: 19-060 2.2 RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES: : Schedule Wet Pond Schedule Wet Pond Monthly Remove nuisance vegetation including cattails, floating algae, excessive shoreline weeds and brush. 1. Remove nuisance vegetation including cattails, floating algae, excessive shoreline weeds and brush. As Needed Repair eroded side slopes, ruts, drop-offs 2. Repair eroded side slopes, ruts, drop-offs Monthly Remove floating trash. 3. Remove floating trash. Monthly Mow pond banks. 4. Mow pond banks. Control Structure Schedule Remove vegetation around structure. Control Structure Monthly Remove trash around structure. 1. Remove vegetation around structure. Monthly Repair or replace broken or missing parts including skimmers, grates, PVC pipe elbows. 2. Remove trash around structure. As Needed Patch leaks. 3. Repair or replace broken or missing parts including skimmers, grates, PVC pipe elbows. As Needed Maintain 12 inches clearance beneath skimmers and PVC elbows. 4. Patch leaks. Inlets and Manholes As Needed 5. Maintain 12 inches clearance beneath skimmers and PVC elbows. Remove vegetation. Schedule Replace broken or missing grates or covers. Inlets and Manholes Monthly Patch leaks. 1. Remove vegetation. As Needed Remove trash and sediments inside structure. 2. Replace broken or missing grates or covers. Pipes As Needed 3. Patch leaks. Remove sediments and trash. As Needed 4. Remove trash and sediments inside structure. Patch leaks. Large Diameter Culverts (Corrugated Metal Pipe) Schedule Pipes Inspect for debris & blockages; Remove sediments, vegetation and blockages inside structure. As Needed -DRIVE RESORT COMMUNITY 1. Remove sediments and trash. VISED: 4/11/24 As Needed 2. Patch leaks. : 19-060 Yearly 2. Visual inspection for any damage or deterioration to culvert pipes & headwalls. Repair deficiencies as needed; Report any signs of undermining or structural damage for further evaluation as needed. Visual inspection for any damage or deterioration to culvert pipes & signs of undermining or structural damage for further evaluation as needed. I-DRIVE RESORT COMMUNITY REVISED: 4/11/24 P&B No: 19-060 2023 Form 1 Instructions Statement of Financial Interests Notice The annual Statement of Financial Interest is due July 1, 2024. If the annual form is not submitted via the electronic fi ling system created and maintained by the Commission September 3, 2024, an automatic fi ne of $25 for each day late will be imposed, up to a maximum penalty of $1,500. Failure to fi le also can result in removal from public offi ce or employment. [s. 112.3145, F.S.] In addition, failure to make any required disclosure constitutes grounds for and may be punished by one or more of the following: disqualifi cation from being on the ballot, impeachment, removal or suspension from offi ce or employment, demotion, reduction in salary, reprimand, or a civil penalty not exceeding $10,000. [s. 112.317, F.S.] When To File: Initially , each local offi cer/employee, state offi cer, and specifi ed state employee must fi le within 30 days of the date of his or her appointment or of the beginning of employment. Appointees who must be confi rmed by the Senate must fi le prior to confi rmation, even if that is less than 30 days from the date of their appointment. Candidates must fi le at the same time they fi le their qualifying papers. Thereafter, fi le by July 1 following each calendar year in which they hold their positions. Finally, fi le a fi nal disclosure form (Form 1F) within 60 days of leaving offi ce or employment. Filing a CE Form 1F (Final Statement of Financial Interests) does not relieve the fi ler of fi ling a CE Form 1 if the fi ler was in his or her position on December 31, 2023. Who Must File Form 1 Elected public offi cials not serving in a political subdivision of the state and any person appointed to fi ll a vacancy in such offi ce, unless required to fi le full disclosure on Form 6. Appointed members of each board, commission, authority, or council having statewide jurisdiction, excluding those required to fi le full disclosure on Form 6 as well as members of solely advisory bodies, but including judicial nominating commission members; Directors of Enterprise Florida, Scripps Florida Funding Corporation, and Career Source Florida; and members of the Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys; the Executive Director, Governors, and senior managers of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation; Governors and senior managers of Florida Workers' Compensation Joint Underwriting Association; board members of the Northeast Fla. Regional Transportation Commission; board members of Triumph Gulf Coast, Inc; board members of Florida Is For Veterans, Inc.; and members of the Technology Advisory Council within the Agency for State Technology. The Commissioner of Education, members of the State Board of Education, the Board of Governors, the local Boards of Trustees and Presidents of state universities, and the Florida Prepaid College Board. Persons elected to offi ce in any political subdivision (such as municipalities, counties, and special districts) and any person appointed to fi ll a vacancy in such offi ce, unless required to fi le Form 6. Appointed members of the following boards, councils, commissions, authorities, or other bodies of county, municipality, school district, independent special district, or other political subdivision: the governing body of the subdivision; community college or junior college district boards of trustees; boards having the power to enforce local code provisions; boards of adjustment; community redevelopment agencies; planning or zoning boards having the power to recommend, create, or modify land planning or zoning within a political subdivision, except for citizen advisory committees, technical coordinating committees, and similar groups who only have the power to make recommendations to planning or zoning boards, and except for representatives of a military installation acting on behalf of all military installations within that jurisdiction; pension or retirement boards empowered to invest pension or retirement funds or determine entitlement to or amount of pensions or other retirement benefi ts, and the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board. Any appointed member of a local government board who is required to fi le a statement of fi nancial interests by the appointing authority or the enabling legislation, ordinance, or resolution creating the board. Persons holding any of these positions in local government: county or city manager; chief administrative employee or fi nance director of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision; county or municipal attorney; chief county or municipal building inspector; county or municipal water resources coordinator; county or municipal pollution control director; county or municipal environmental control director; county or municipal administrator with power to grant or deny a land development permit; chief of police; fi re chief; municipal clerk; appointed district school superintendent; community college president; district medical examiner; purchasing agent (regardless of title) having the authority to make any purchase exceeding $35,000 for the local governmental unit. Offi cers and employees of entities serving as chief administrative offi cer of a political subdivision. Members of governing boards of charter schools operated by a city or other public entity. Employees in the offi ce of the Governor or of a Cabinet member who are exempt from the Career Service System, excluding secretarial, clerical, and similar positions. The following positions in each state department, commission, board, or council: Secretary, Assistant or Deputy Secretary, Executive Director, Assistant or Deputy Executive Director, and anyone having the power normally conferred upon such persons, regardless of title. The following positions in each state department or division: Director, Assistant or Deputy Director, Bureau Chief, and any person having the power normally conferred upon such persons, regardless of title. Assistant State Attorneys, Assistant Public Defenders, criminal confl ict and civil regional counsel, and assistant criminal confl ict and civil regional counsel, Public Counsel, full-time state employees serving as counsel or assistant counsel to a state agency, administrative law judges, and hearing offi cers. The Superintendent or Director of a state mental health institute established for training and research in the mental health fi eld, or any major state institution or facility established for corrections, training, treatment, or rehabilitation. State agency Business Managers, Finance and Accounting Directors, Personnel Offi cers, Grant Coordinators, and purchasing agents (regardless of title) with power to make a purchase exceeding $35,000. The following positions in legislative branch agencies: each employee (other than those employed in maintenance, clerical, secretarial, or similar positions and legislative assistants exempted by the presiding offi cer of their house); and each employee of the Commission on Ethics. Each member of the governing body of a "large-hub commercial service airport," as defi ned in Section 112.3144(1)(c), Florida Statutes, except for members required to comply with the fi nancial disclosure requirements of s. 8, Article II of the State Constitution. ATTACHMENTS: A fi ler may include and submit attachments or other supporting documentation when fi ling disclosure. PUBLIC RECORD: The disclosure form is a public record and is required by law to be posted to the Commission's website.Your Social Security number, bank account, debit, charge, and credit card numbers, mortgage or brokerage account numbers, personal identifi cation numbers, or taxpayer identifi cation numbers are not required and should not be included. If such information is included in the fi ling, it may be made available for public inspection and copying unless redaction is required by the fi ler, without any liability to the Commission. If you are an active or former offi cer or employee listed in Section 119.071, F.S., whose home address or other information is exempt from disclosure, the Commission will maintain that confi dentiality if you submit a written and notarized request. QUESTIONS about this form or the ethics laws may be addressed to the Commission on Ethics, Post Offi ce Drawer 15709, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709; physical address: 325 John Knox Road, Building E, Suite 200, Tallahassee, FL 32303; telephone (850) 488-7864. Instructions for Completing Form 1 Primary Sources of Income [Required by s. 112.3145(3)(b)1, F.S.] This section is intended to require the disclosure of your principal sources of income during the disclosure period. You do not have to disclose any public salary or public position(s). The income of your spouse need not be disclosed; however, if there is joint income to you and your spouse from property you own jointly (such as interest or dividends from a bank account or stocks), you should disclose the source of that income if it exceeded the threshold. Please list in this part of the form the name, address, and principal business activity of each source of your income which exceeded $2,500 of gross income received by you in your own name or by any other person for your use or benefi t. "Gross income" means the same as it does for income tax purposes, even if the income is not actually taxable, such as interest on tax-free bonds. Examples include: compensation for services, income from business, gains from property dealings, interest, rents, dividends, pensions, IRA distributions, social security, distributive share of partnership gross income, and alimony if considered gross income under federal law, but not child support. Examples: If you were employed by a company that manufactures computers and received more than $2,500, list the name of the company, its address, and its principal business activity (computer manufacturing). If you were a partner in a law fi rm and your distributive share of partnership gross income exceeded $2,500, list the name of the fi rm, its address, and its principal business activity (practice of law). If you were the sole proprietor of a retail gift business and your gross income from the business exceeded $2,500, list the name of the business, its address, and its principal business activity (retail gift sales). If you received income from investments in stocks and bonds, list each individual company from which you derived more than $2,500. Do not aggregate all of your investment income. If more than $2,500 of your gross income was gain from the sale of property (not just the selling price), list as a source of income the purchaser's name, address and principal business activity. If the purchaser’s identity is unknown, such as where securities listed on an exchange are sold through a brokerage fi rm, the source of income should be listed as "sale of (name of company) stock," for example. If more than $2,500 of your gross income was in the form of interest from one particular fi nancial institution (aggregating interest from all CD's, accounts, etc., at that institution), list the name of the institution, its address, and its principal business activity. Secondary Sources of Income [Required by s. 112.3145(3)(b)2, F.S.] This part is intended to require the disclosure of major customers, clients, and other sources of income to businesses in which you own an interest. It is not for reporting income from second jobs. That kind of income should be reported in "Primary Sources of Income," if it meets the reporting threshold. You will not have anything to report unless, during the disclosure period: You owned (either directly or indirectly in the form of an equitable or benefi cial interest) more than 5% of the total assets or capital stock of a business entity (a corporation, partnership, LLC, limited partnership, proprietorship, joint venture, trust, fi rm, etc., doing business in Florida); and, You received more than $5,000 of your gross income during the disclosure period from that business entity. If your interests and gross income exceeded these thresholds, then for that business entity you must list every source of income to the business entity which exceeded 10% of the business entity’s gross income (computed on the basis of the business entity's most recently completed fi scal year), the source’s address, and the source's principal business activity. Examples: You are the sole proprietor of a dry cleaning business, from which you received more than $5,000. If only one customer, a uniform rental company, provided more than 10% of your dry cleaning business, you must list the name of the uniform rental company, its address, and its principal business activity (uniform rentals). You are a 20% partner in a partnership that owns a shopping mall and your partnership income exceeded the above thresholds. List each tenant of the mall that provided more than 10% of the partnership's gross income and the tenant's address and principal business activity. Real Property [Required by s. 112.3145(3)(b)3, F.S.] In this part, list the location or description of all real property in Florida in which you owned directly or indirectly at any time during the disclosure period in excess of 5% of the property's value. You are not required to list your residences. You should list any vacation homes if you derive income from them. Indirect ownership includes situations where you are a benefi ciary of a trust that owns the property, as well as situations where you own more than 5% of a partnership or corporation that owns the property. The value of the property may be determined by the most recently assessed value for tax purposes, in the absence of a more accurate fair market value. The location or description of the property should be suffi cient to enable anyone who looks at the form to identify the property. A street address should be used, if one exists. Intangible Personal Property [Required by s. 112.3145(3)(b)3, F.S.] Describe any intangible personal property that, at any time during the disclosure period, was worth more than $10,000 and state the business entity to which the property related. Intangible personal property includes things such as cash on hand, stocks, bonds, certifi cates of deposit, vehicle leases, interests in businesses, benefi cial interests in trusts, money owed you (including, but not limited to, loans made as a candidate to your own campaign), Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) accounts, the Florida Prepaid College Plan, and bank accounts in which you have an ownership interest. Intangible personal property also includes investment products held in IRAs, brokerage accounts, and the Florida College Investment Plan. Note that the product contained in a brokerage account, IRA, or the Florida College Investment Plan is your asset—not the account or plan itself. Things like automobiles and houses you own, jewelry, and paintings are not intangible property. Intangibles relating to the same business entity may be aggregated; for example, CDs and savings accounts with the same bank. Property owned as tenants by the entirety or as joint tenants with right of survivorship, including bank accounts owned in such a manner, should be valued at 100%. The value of a leased vehicle is the vehicle’s present value minus the lease residual (a number found on the lease document). Liabilities [Required by s. 112.3145(3)(b)4, F.S.] List the name and address of each creditor to whom you owed more than $10,000 at any time during the disclosure period. The amount of the liability of a vehicle lease is the sum of any past-due payments and all unpaid prospective lease payments. You are not required to list the amount of any debt. You do not have to disclose credit card and retail installment accounts, taxes owed (unless reduced to a judgment), indebtedness on a life insurance policy owed to the company of issuance, or contingent liabilities. A “contingent liability” is one that will become an actual liability only when one or more future events occur or fail to occur, such as where you are liable only as a guarantor, surety, or endorser on a promissory note. If you are a “co-maker” and are jointly liable or jointly and severally liable, then it is not a contingent liability. Interests in Specifi ed Businesses [Required by s. 112.3145(7), F.S.] The types of businesses covered in this disclosure include: state and federally chartered banks; state and federal savings and loan associations; cemetery companies; insurance companies; mortgage companies; credit unions; small loan companies; alcoholic beverage licensees; pari-mutuel wagering companies, utility companies, entities controlled by the Public Service Commission; and entities granted a franchise to operate by either a city or a county government. Disclose in this part the fact that you owned during the disclosure period an interest in, or held any of certain positions with the types of businesses listed above. You must make this disclosure if you own or owned (either directly or indirectly in the form of an equitable or benefi cial interest) at any time during the disclosure period more than 5% of the total assets or capital stock of one of the types of business entities listed above. You also must complete this part of the form for each of these types of businesses for which you are, or were at any time during the disclosure period, an offi cer, director, partner, proprietor, or agent (other than a resident agent solely for service of process). If you have or held such a position or ownership interest in one of these types of businesses, list the name of the business, its address and principal business activity, and the position held with the business (if any). If you own(ed) more than a 5% interest in the business, indicate that fact and describe the nature of your interest. Training Certifi cation [Required by s. 112.3142, F.S.] If you are a Constitutional or elected municipal offi cer appointed school superintendent, a commissioner of a community redevelopment agency created under Part III, Chapter 163, or an elected local offi cers of independent special districts, including any person appointed to fi ll a vacancy on an elected special district board, whose service began on or before March 31 of the year for which you are fi ling, you are required to complete four hours of ethics training which addresses Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution, the Code of Ethics for Public Offi cers and Employees, and the public records and open meetings laws of the state. You are required to certify on this form that you have taken such training.